September 8, 2007


In the late 80’s my life had begun,
And yes it is full of challenges and fun.
Carrying on the innocence that was imbibed in me,
I lived by, as if I was free.

Spending some good years in St. Joseph’s Convent ,School
With badges on my uniform;I did rule
Scoring good,playing good,being good good good,
But alas! That was only in my childhood.

Learning in Don Bosco was really beneficial,
Now I feel, my life got the right facial.
Being a back-bencher; barred me from competitions,
Now I lament the desire for teaspoon determination.

The love for my darling IIT made me insane,
I crossed all barriers;landed on a desert plain.
The fire of being an IITian,was ignited by my mentor,
Yet I feel sorry I couldn’t clear.

Being to KOTA turned my hairs silver,
Now I know,who stands on the other side of river.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
But Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

I love to make friends but fear to be in love
As friendship to me is really all above
I have my principle and here it goes,
I forgive my friends and I forgive my foes.

I am in MCKVIE, pursuing my engineering
Having lots of fun, without much persevering.

This was my poem about my life story
Waiting for the critics or the contrary.